
Showing posts from December, 2018

Self-Examination 👓

Our Christian journey is neither easy nor smooth. Matt 6:14 tells us that the road that leads to eternal life has a narrow gate and a difficult way. It is possible to get off this journey without even realising it, that’s why it’s important to take time off periodically and do a self examination. 2 Cor 13:5 says we should examine and test ourselves whether we’re in the faith. Now, it’s not just about examining ourselves but making sure we do so using God’s word as our guide. This is the only true way as God rates things differently than we do. There are so many reasons why it’s important to examine ourselves and to do it the right way through God’s word but we’ll just look at one major reason which is : We’re more likely to focus only on the exterior things, and forget there’s more. We focus on the work for God and not the walk with God. To drive this point home, let’s look at the Sardis church. Rev 3:1, Jesus address...

Am I Really Saved?😭🤔

Greetings my friend! It's another week and yet another month so happy new month as we say in Nigeria. I hope you had a good weekend. This post I believe is a reminder or reassurance (if you will) that your salvation is genuine. I am not talking to everyone but I believe I am speaking to someone that God wants to reassure of their inheritance in Him. As Christians we desire and try to please God daily(or at least I hope that's the case) but we are still flawed. We slip up in different ways and sometimes even the same way multiple times. It's easy to begin to doubt your confession of Christ as Lord, to doubt your salvation experience, your baptism in the Holy Ghost and all that you have experienced in Christ. I am here to remind you that ... it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. Romans 10:10 ...if you confess with your mouth "Jesus is Lord" and in your heart you have fait...