Am I Really Saved?πŸ˜­πŸ€”

Greetings my friend! It's another week and yet another month so happy new month as we say in Nigeria. I hope you had a good weekend.

This post I believe is a reminder or reassurance (if you will) that your salvation is genuine. I am not talking to everyone but I believe I am speaking to someone that God wants to reassure of their inheritance in Him.

As Christians we desire and try to please God daily(or at least I hope that's the case) but we are still flawed. We slip up in different ways and sometimes even the same way multiple times.

It's easy to begin to doubt your confession of Christ as Lord, to doubt your salvation experience, your baptism in the Holy Ghost and all that you have experienced in Christ.

I am here to remind you that

... it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
Romans 10:10

...if you confess with your mouth "Jesus is Lord" and in your heart you have faith that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 10:9 CEB

That is God's word. If you truly believe(d) and confess(ed) Jesus as Lord at that moment you are/were saved.

Now while your spirit is born again instantly , your mind is not. It requires renewal(DAILY). Your mind is a very important factor in governing your life and that is why the Bible says to guard our hearts(minds) with all diligence.

As you walk with God deliberately, your mind is renewed and your born again spirit finds expression but when we do not renew our minds through the WORD and CONSISTENT PRAYER, we fall and fall and fall.

Nothing wrong with falling as long as you get back up yeah? Well yes and no. Yes because you get up; No because if you fall too many times on the same spot,you just may give up.

All that is by the way. Today if you are asking God "why do I keep doing this particular thing?". If you've heard and seen many people testify of how God broke their addiction to pornography or drugs or drinking or sex or partying or whatever in an instant but you have prayed and cried and wailed and fasted and sworn and vowed and done everything but it seems hopeless, you may be tempted to throw in the towel and say "maybe I'm not really saved" or "maybe God does not love me enough to free me" or "maybe I was born this way and cannot do anything"  but I say to you ALL LIES.

Struggle is a good thing! How? It shows you are not satisfied. As long as you continue to press towards God and press into Him, it is a matter of when and not if! The when was over 2000 years ago. That was when Christ paid for your freedom. We must walk in that MINDedness and everything else will flow from there.

God has you my friend. Hang in there! Help is here. Jesus has not given up on you. DO NOT GIVE UP ON HIM.

Father, YOUR strength is made perfect in our weakness and we sure have a lot of weaknesses so we ask for Your strength. We want to please you but we know for sure that WE CANNOT do it by ourselves so we accept your grace in this our hour of need in Jesus' name (amen)

Thanks for reading. Do share with a friend. You never know who needs to hear these things. God bless you and have a great week 🤗🤗


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