Self-Examination π
Our Christian journey is neither easy nor smooth. Matt 6:14 tells us that the road that leads to eternal life has a narrow gate and a difficult way. It is possible to get off this journey without even realising it, that’s why it’s important to take time off periodically and do a self examination.
2 Cor 13:5 says we should examine and test ourselves whether we’re in the faith.
Now, it’s not just about examining ourselves but making sure we do so using God’s word as our guide. This is the only true way as God rates things differently than we do.
There are so many reasons why it’s important to examine ourselves and to do it the right way through God’s word but we’ll just look at one major reason which is : We’re more likely to focus only on the exterior things, and forget there’s more. We focus on the work for God and not the walk with God.
To drive this point home, let’s look at the Sardis church. Rev 3:1, Jesus addressed the church saying “I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead” . Some of us are like this, we probably seem like they were (doing great and thriving spiritually from people’s perspective) yet Jesus says we are dead. So it actually is worth sitting to think if we still have the connection with Jesus, if it’s not just to fulfill all righteousness that we pray or study, if we’re living in deceit and just doing things to people and we think it’s okay because we still do all the exterior things. Vs 2 warns that what remains is on the verge of dying. If we are disconnected from the main source, even all the exterior things we do will stop as there’ll be no real motivation to carry on😭.
Another part of the Scripture that makes this point is Matt 7:21-23 .These men were believers who had exercised their authority. They had prophesied, cast out demons and done wonders in the name of Jesus yet Jesus said they should depart because he didn’t know them. If they had understood that the walk with God was beyond the powers maybe they would have lived differently and sought the heart of God. They did not have any real relationship with Jesus and that is why he didn’t know them.
Now that we’ve established why we should examine ourselves right. Let’s look at one important thing (out of the many important things) to ask ourselves. We need to know if we’re led by our spirit or our flesh. (Romans 8:14)
Romans 8:6-7 teaches that the carnal mind (a mind governed by the flesh) is death and is in enmity with God. Some of us are living in protest with God and we do not even realise it. We are to put to death the deeds of the flesh through the Spirit of God. Gal 5:19-21 tells us what exactly the works of the flesh are.
Paul in 1 Cor 9:7 says he put his body under subjection lest he having preached to others should be disqualified. He knew that it was not enough to just minister to people. He had to also put his flesh in check.
The beautiful thing is we are not left to do this alone. God supplies the grace to turn from ungodliness (Titus 2:11-12). He gives us strength to persevere and carry on with our journey. There are so many things laid out to discourage us but we’re to stand firm and persevere to the end.
For everyone who has at some point derailed, it’s definitely not too late to get back on track. God is ready to take us back when we come back to him. Psalm 51:17 says a broken and contrite heart God will not despise.
Cry out in repentance and know that your merciful Father is wiling to forgive you.
And for everyone struggling to stay in the faith, 1 Peter 5:10 has some encouragement for you.
Post By: Joan Onotu
Prayer: Strengthen us dear God to walk with you and endure to the end that we may be saved in Jesus' name (amen).
Thanks for reading. Many more features to come in 2019 😉💪
ReplyDeleteThis post is really amazing and inspiring. Thank you Joanππ
Is really important for us as a believer to be very sensitive and obedient to the voice of the Holyspirit. The grace God has given us comes with a great advantage of having the Holyspirit stay within us. He directs our steps and gives us instructions, for this reason we live a life of excellent.
Self examination is necessary to know how far or how behind we are with the work/walk with Christ.