
Showing posts from November, 2019

The Sovereignty of God🙌🏽

Hello there! If you prayed for me to be more consistent like I asked last week, then it looks like your prayer worked. Here we are again to learn. I still covet your prayers for grace to be consistent. Thanks in advance and God bless you.  This evening as I sought out what the Holy Spirit would have me share, He dropped "The Sovereignty of God" in my mind. I immediately looked in my mind to see if there was enough knowledge about sovereignty to write a whole blog post. I won't tell you what I found there 😂👀. After checking my mind, I decided to check the dictionary and I found one of the definitions to be "supreme authority over all things". Substituting the definition of sovereignty in our topic today, we are talking about the supreme authority of God over all things . If you take nothing else away from today's post, know this: God is the rightful Ruler of the universe. There is no contesting His majesty. All who have tried it have failed. He is worthy, H...

Red Light Christian? 🤔

Hello dear reader! It truly is good to have you here. It has been an eternity since I last wrote and I am sorry about that. I take full responsibility for my inconsistency and ask you to say a prayer for grace for me to be more consistent in Jesus' name. Now to today's business! Are you a "red light christian"? Before shouting yes or no, let me offer some context.  It was less than a week ago when I looked at my TV and saw a red light at the bottom right corner (yours may show it somewhere else). You surely know that when there is NO power, that light does not show. It only shows when there is power BUT it is not being used. When your TV is on, that is, when the power is working, it can better light up a dark room than when it is turned off because there is much more light being produced.  As I pondered this seemingly mundane fact, it dropped in my spirit that SO MANY of us (myself included) are red light christians.  Since you got the Holy Ghost, the active power of ...