"...Oh the overwhelming, never ending, reckless love of God...". Heyy you, thank you for taking out time to read this. I believe by God's grace it will be worth the time.

On to business now. The opening words in the quotation marks are from a song titled Reckless Love by Steffany Gretzinger. If you've never heard it I implore you to listen and play it over and over as it has ministered to me. Reckless love of God? Is that a typo? NO!.

How dare you say God's love is reckless? Have you lost your mind? God is all-knowing, how can He be reckless?. All these are questions I'm not surprised at but allow me to surprise you. God's love is the definition of RECKLESS. Think about it. How do You send Yourself to the world to die for people You don't need who are not yet born and with no guarantee of their loving You back? IT MAKES ZERO SENSE!

Ladies and gentlemen *drumroll* I give you God's love a.k.a Reckless love. God's love is unexplainable. Many of us try to explain it based on our experiences and fail woefully because God's love is more than our experiences. There's always more and if you try to understand it, your brain as big or small as you think it is will fry instantly!.

Okay, let's now say we deserved the love maybe it would have made small sense (very small👀) but guess what! We didn't, we don't and won't ever deserve it. It's  a gift that you can't earn and that's the truth that so many people find so hard to reconcile. They try so hard to deserve that love and struggle in futility.

I personally had struggled with an addiction(which probably will be revealed in time 😉) and when I didn't "use" for a while I began to feel more acceptable in God's sight which may seem harmless at first glance but on the flip side, it would mean that when I did "use", I would feel worthless to God. The Holy Spirit said to me once that my actions cannot disqualify from His love because I wasn't qualified. You cannot be disqualified if you were never qualified my friend. God cannot love you more or less than He did before time and does right now and will do forever so don't flatter yourself thinking your weaknesses and strengths can change our God. When I think about God's love, I'm brought to tears because I don't deserve it at all and I wouldn't love me if I were Him. Thank God I'm not Him.

Now, getting a taste of God's love (a taste because I know that I haven't seen anything yet) has taught me some things and I'm sure you'll learn the same in your own experiences. The taste of God's love has made me see differently. Differently in the sense that, I am less judgemental of or surprised by the things that people do or say. I struggled and I can relate to people doing things they don't want to. So in a way my addiction and struggles opened me up to God's love and gave me a new mindset, amen?🙋 .Tasting that love has changed me in ways you can't even begin to imagine and I know it will do the same to you.

"Oh but but I don't deserve it and I can't". My dear, there's no need!. He hasn't asked you to earn it! Just take it! Literally just accept it and live in it. Let it fill you up till you spill it on to everyone and everything around you!. I may have to do a second part on this because there's so much to it really(time will tell👀).

Let me close with this line from the same song: "...there's no shadow You won't light up, mountain You won't climb up coming after me...". Honestly God already did and will do again all He has to do to get you! You are important! Don't let the world and devil tell you any different! God loves you and I love you! Live for God and you'll truly feel alive.
Heavenly Father I ask that you drown us in Your love and that we never recover from it. Teach us to love like You do and  help us in all we do to show You in Jesus' name(amen)

Have a blessed week! Kindly share this post as you don't know who may need to be informed or reminded of God's RECKLESS love. Till next time. Bask in God's grace and Love. Shalom!😇😊


  1. Awesome Word..God's Love is truly free and we don't deserve it at all...His love is man can explain or describe it...we should just accept all He has given us through the Finished work of Jesus Christ. We need to believe and live it by Faith.....then we will start to taste, get and truly experience His love and favour. Its a free gift!! Romans 5:17-19

    God bless you Nathan...


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