The W H Y

Why?!!!!!  That's a very big question that we all need to ask ourselves but very many do not (unfortunately).

In the English Language as most of us are aware, the question "why?" brings two things to mind: The REASON FOR something and the PURPOSE OF something. Did someone just say "but they're the same thing"? Au contraire my friend they differ slightly and to illustrate, here's an analogy : You see someone sleeping shirtless at night and wake them up to ask "why?" And he or she says"it was too hot to sleep fully clothed so I took my shirt off to keep cool". That reply is twofold. It conveys both REASON and PURPOSE. The REASON they are shirtless is that it was too hot and the PURPOSE FOR being shirtless is to keep cool. 

From the analogy above, it's not difficult to see that the REASON for something is often reactive and the PURPOSE is proactive.  You may want to pause here and soak this in.

The "WHY" I'm discussing with you today is the proactive WHY- "PURPOSE FOR". Now let's begin. All things ever made whether by God or man have at least a common feature- PURPOSE. Everything ever made has or had a PURPOSE. Whether they were aware or not of their purpose is of no consequence. That is to say that ignorance of PURPOSE does not delete PURPOSE.

Where is all this headed? Hold that thought. Let me summarize what's been said so far and relate it to you. You (Yes! You reading this right now) have a PURPOSE for existing and whether you know it or not doesn't change its validity. However it is a popular as well as accurate saying that when the PURPOSE or use of a thing is unknown then its abuse is inevitable. Now we're picking up! You now know you have a PURPOSE. The questions I expect to come up are along the lines of "what is my PURPOSE?,", "who can tell me my purpose?" and" how do I achieve it?".

There is a one-stop shop to get the answers to all such questions but before I let you in on the not-so-secret secret let's take a quick trip. When you go to an electronics store and look at various gadgets from irons to kettles to phones and whatnot, you are able to tell them apart. Why? Someone designed them as such. Based on their designs you're able to use them appropriately. Why? Someone made instructions available based on the intended PURPOSE for the device. OH MY! Who could have done us this service by making life easier for us? You guessed right if your answer was "THE MANUFACTURER".

"Ehn bros, how does this concern me?". Here it is : The only person Who can tell you your PURPOSE and how to go about achieving it is YOUR MANUFACTURER, THE ONE WHO MADE YOU A.K.A GOD ALMIGHTY. He CAN. However I believe you would agree that ability and willingness are independent of each other. Some are willing yet unable, others able but unwilling๐Ÿ˜ข. Cheer up my friend because God is not just able or willing,  He's able AND willing. Isn't that great?๐Ÿ˜„ He can and will tell you YOUR WHY and how to do THE WHY if you'll ask Him.

Let's digress from the Creator for a bit and examine creation. Paraphrasing the words of the late yet great man Dr. Myles Munroe- nothing exists for its own sake. Look around you, the sun does not shine for itself; plants do not grow for themselves and the list is unending. 

"But I'm higher than they are" NEWSFLASH!!!!!!!!!!! You're no different with regard to Purpose. You too do not exist for your own sake but for others. Your PURPOSE has nothing to do with YOU but with YOUR ENVIRONMENT. The implication is when you do not achieve your purpose, you not only fail to do the world a service, you do it a disservice. Don't you dare die with what's mine to gain still inside you! And do not delay it either!

Back to God now. Because people fail to look up to find their purpose and instead look sideways for purpose, they miss it all together. I'm not just talking about people doing nothing right now. I'm referring to those who are doing things they were not made for as well. When you walk and work outside of purpose, there need not be a lack of results but you would surely work harder and achieve less.

Think of it like this, you somehow bring your cutlery to life and have them do what they will even though you have intentions for their use already. You need your knife to butter bread but he says "nope I like what Mr spoon is doing " and so decides to scoop soup. Of course he'll work hard but he'll see next to no results. You then want to eat yam and Mr fork says he likes what Mr knife does and starts trying to peel an orange. Catastrophe and underutilization of resources are all that can ensue from both scenarios and the cutlery owner would be unsatisfied and displeased. By now I expect you already know where I'm going with this.

You are God's living cutlery and working outside of your calling promises hard labour, relatively little to no results and a displeased owner. I want you to let that sink in and then give God a call asking what He'd have you do. He will tell you what to do and how to do it. He'll help you from start to finish because He loves YOU.
 I'll stop here for now. I hope you've been ministered to even if only a little. God help us all to fit into His plan perfectly in Jesus' name (amen). 

Oh yeah! One very important why remains unanswered: the why of this blog. This blog as I intended it initially was to share my experiences from everyday Christian living : struggles and victories in order to encourage, inspire, emancipate (and just you name it) my readers but I've come to realise that my experiences are dwarfed by all that God wants to say through me and this blog so I'll share material based on inspiration from the Holy Spirit and perhaps in time, other believers as well.

There we go! Thank you so much for reading this to the end. Your suggestions, comments, questions and any other form of contribution are welcome. Till next time. Shalom๐Ÿ˜‡


  1. Powerful! Finding purpose is the beginning of a fulfilled life on earth...(PDL)

  2. God bless you for allowing him to use you for this purpose

  3. Owh yes! Purpose must drive us... We must therefore find purpose... God bless you Sir!

  4. You are blessed and highly favoured

  5. ๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘Touching story

  6. This is an example of the prophecy in deutronomy

  7. God bless you, oh mehn, I'm glad I read this! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™


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