
Showing posts from September, 2017

The Cover Up

Good evening my highly-esteeemed reader. I bring you greetings from the Father, our Lord Jesus Christ and the ever-relevant Holy Spirit. I type this message with a joyful yet heavy heart. I'm overjoyed because I start a new year of my life today 🎉🎉 but my heart is heavy because the message I'm about to share is not likely to be what you want to hear unless Abba has begun work in you already. For a long time, I have been weighed down, bothered, perplexed and just plain disgusted at something I have seen everywhere on social media. What I'm about to say may shock you or come across as inconsequential but the truth is it's a SERIOUS matter. My sisters will have to forgive my facing them tonight as the issue mostly relates to them and hence the need to direct this at/to them. It's *drumroll* indecent dressing and then sharing of indecent pictures and videos on social media. I may sound somewhat harsh in this post but I assure you that it is l...

"...But I'm too Young"; Thus Says the LORD

"You're too young to drive", "You're too young to drink", "You're too young to get married". You must have heard or read those statements at one time in your life whether they were directed at you, someone else or the general public 👀. You know what I've noticed and if you're observant you'd have too?. A lot of the people who do the aforementioned things are the ones who are "too young". That's right, if you tell the average child today that he/she is too young to do something, it's almost certain they'll do it to prove it to you (and themselves) that you're wrong😎. Another common saying on the flip side is "age is nothing but a number" and that's often used to describe maturity and justify things (that for some reason🤔) we feel need justification. By this conviction, so many people have done things they were advised against and some have met "success...

M.P. or W.I.P?

Heyy there! I'm glad to have you here again today and if you're a first-time reader, welcome and God bless you for coming  (sounds like first-timers welcome in a church; I know😂). On seeing the title of this post I imagine you tried in your head to unearth the full meanings of the initialisms. Well for those familiar with accounting parlance, W.I.P is easy to decode. It stands for (W)ork (I)n (P)rogress. Going by the go-to full meanings for M.P. you'd be misled. Today M.P stands for Master Piece (I know it's one word just allow me naaw😭). Let's quickly define our terms shall we?. Work in progress as the name implies is something that's in process, yet to be completed or finished. Master Piece could be defined as a work of outstanding creativity, skill or workmanship. Question, is it possible to have something be work in progress and yet a master piece? Another question, what would you call it?. The ordinary mind would answer the first question with a ...

God's Glory : Perfume or Poison?

God's Glory is indeed a powerful thing! If you need proof just you check through the Scriptures. Wherever God's Glory was/is present, things certainly were/are different. Moses for example had spent so much time with God that his face was radiant and the people could not look upon it (baba Moses didn't even see God's face oh! Imagine!). It's not hard to see that God's Glory is desirable in anyone's life. However the effect of God's Glory depends on who you are and how you relate with it. How do I mean? God's Glory is a wonderful thing to His children but to the children of the devil (a.k.a all non-children of God) , it's a terrible and terrifying reality (much too terrible to withstand). That's the who you are angle. From the how you relate angle let me simplify by using an example: We all make use or have made use of body creams or lotions (whatever you call them👀). These lotions are very useful when applied on the body as instruct...