M.P. or W.I.P?
Heyy there! I'm glad to have you here again today and if you're a first-time reader, welcome and God bless you for coming (sounds like first-timers welcome in a church; I know😂).
On seeing the title of this post I imagine you tried in your head to unearth the full meanings of the initialisms. Well for those familiar with accounting parlance, W.I.P is easy to decode. It stands for (W)ork (I)n (P)rogress.
Going by the go-to full meanings for M.P. you'd be misled. Today M.P stands for Master Piece (I know it's one word just allow me naaw😭).
Let's quickly define our terms shall we?. Work in progress as the name implies is something that's in process, yet to be completed or finished.
Master Piece could be defined as a work of outstanding creativity, skill or workmanship.
Question, is it possible to have something be work in progress and yet a master piece? Another question, what would you call it?. The ordinary mind would answer the first question with a NO!. The slightly extraordinary mind would say maybe. The more extraordinary would say yes and then perhaps call it "master piece in progress" or something of that sort. However the mind of Christ would call it Y.O.U
You! Yes you! are God's masterpiece. Now I'm sure masterpiece could be used relatively ergo what's deemed a master piece from say a Leonardo DaVinci would be quite different from a masterpiece from a Nathan Banji (I don't even paint 😢). What this tells us is that the quality of a "masterpiece" is tied to the identity of the maker.
Another question, who do you know is a better artist than my God? Let them put their CV side-by-side God's. Just look at all of creation and how everything is designed so beautifully and reasonably. Nothing can compare to God's masterpiece. You are a part of that masterpiece and you yourself are a masterpiece. Basically God's world is a masterpiece of masterpieces.
You need not just assume that you are God's masterpiece to prop up your self-esteem or accept it because one guy with a blog says so. You must believe it because God's word states it clearly
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Ephesians 2:10 NLT
Jesus Christ was and is the example of perfection for all mankind. We are expected to be like Him but my friend no matter how much you desire to be like Him, it's a journey. It won't happen suddenly. It will be gradual. The Holy Spirit will work on you and you'll become more like Jesus each day until you are 100% like Him and that will happen only when He comes. What this means is that while we wait for His return we are privileged to carry two passports of the Masterpiece nation and the Work-in-Progress nation. Enjoy your dual citizenship (holla😎).
Before I go, I'd like to share this. I used to struggle with coming to terms with my imperfection and I imagine so many others do if not everyone. The "everybody makes mistakes" and "nobody is perfect " sayings made me uneasy. Walking closely with the Holy Spirit has allowed me not only to accept my imperfect nature but to be happy that He's working on me. It also has helped me see people through new eyes and be less judgemental in my mind and thinking.
In summary, God has made you beautiful not perfect. The perfecting is still his job not yours (because you had nothing to do with your existence in the first place). So rest assured that as long as you allow Him to work you'll not only become more delighted in who you are but you'll be worth taking more delight in for Him and all mankind. "Emm brother, sister wake up, church service don finish". In other words, "that's all folks".
Heavenly Father help us to always be conscious of the fact that we don't have to struggle to be perfect because Jesus is our perfection. Help us to always remember that we are precious to You and You'll continue to work on and in us as long as we yield. Help us to yield to You as You remove our imperfections in Jesus' mighty name(amen).
Thanks for reading to this point. By God's grace we'll both be here next week to meet again. In the meantime please leave a comment, share and feel free to read previous posts if you missed them. God bless you and keep you.
On seeing the title of this post I imagine you tried in your head to unearth the full meanings of the initialisms. Well for those familiar with accounting parlance, W.I.P is easy to decode. It stands for (W)ork (I)n (P)rogress.
Going by the go-to full meanings for M.P. you'd be misled. Today M.P stands for Master Piece (I know it's one word just allow me naaw😭).
Let's quickly define our terms shall we?. Work in progress as the name implies is something that's in process, yet to be completed or finished.
Master Piece could be defined as a work of outstanding creativity, skill or workmanship.
Question, is it possible to have something be work in progress and yet a master piece? Another question, what would you call it?. The ordinary mind would answer the first question with a NO!. The slightly extraordinary mind would say maybe. The more extraordinary would say yes and then perhaps call it "master piece in progress" or something of that sort. However the mind of Christ would call it Y.O.U
You! Yes you! are God's masterpiece. Now I'm sure masterpiece could be used relatively ergo what's deemed a master piece from say a Leonardo DaVinci would be quite different from a masterpiece from a Nathan Banji (I don't even paint 😢). What this tells us is that the quality of a "masterpiece" is tied to the identity of the maker.
Another question, who do you know is a better artist than my God? Let them put their CV side-by-side God's. Just look at all of creation and how everything is designed so beautifully and reasonably. Nothing can compare to God's masterpiece. You are a part of that masterpiece and you yourself are a masterpiece. Basically God's world is a masterpiece of masterpieces.
You need not just assume that you are God's masterpiece to prop up your self-esteem or accept it because one guy with a blog says so. You must believe it because God's word states it clearly
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Ephesians 2:10 NLT
Jesus Christ was and is the example of perfection for all mankind. We are expected to be like Him but my friend no matter how much you desire to be like Him, it's a journey. It won't happen suddenly. It will be gradual. The Holy Spirit will work on you and you'll become more like Jesus each day until you are 100% like Him and that will happen only when He comes. What this means is that while we wait for His return we are privileged to carry two passports of the Masterpiece nation and the Work-in-Progress nation. Enjoy your dual citizenship (holla😎).
Before I go, I'd like to share this. I used to struggle with coming to terms with my imperfection and I imagine so many others do if not everyone. The "everybody makes mistakes" and "nobody is perfect " sayings made me uneasy. Walking closely with the Holy Spirit has allowed me not only to accept my imperfect nature but to be happy that He's working on me. It also has helped me see people through new eyes and be less judgemental in my mind and thinking.
In summary, God has made you beautiful not perfect. The perfecting is still his job not yours (because you had nothing to do with your existence in the first place). So rest assured that as long as you allow Him to work you'll not only become more delighted in who you are but you'll be worth taking more delight in for Him and all mankind. "Emm brother, sister wake up, church service don finish". In other words, "that's all folks".
Heavenly Father help us to always be conscious of the fact that we don't have to struggle to be perfect because Jesus is our perfection. Help us to always remember that we are precious to You and You'll continue to work on and in us as long as we yield. Help us to yield to You as You remove our imperfections in Jesus' mighty name(amen).
Thanks for reading to this point. By God's grace we'll both be here next week to meet again. In the meantime please leave a comment, share and feel free to read previous posts if you missed them. God bless you and keep you.
We are the masterpiece that gives the master peace 🙌
ReplyDeleteGod bless you bountifully
Nice piece bro