Knowing His Voice 😊

Heyy heyy! Welcome to this week's post 😎. I hope you had an amazing weekend  and are excited to smash your goals this week!

This week we're discussing a key issue; an issue pivotal to the Christian living this life (I don't believe there's such a thing as a separate "Christian" life because that suggests there's another kind which in the truest sense there isn't 👀). It's  something you've probably heard over and over or maybe you haven't🤔. No matter👀. Today we're discussing "Knowing His Voice ". The "His" of course refers to "God's ".

God's desire for us is fellowship and intimacy with Him and I know for a fact that there cannot be any of such without communication. Communication is always a two-way thing (at least). At any given time, someone gives information and the other(s) receive(s). 

Communication with God is no different.  I know you're well aware how we talk to God so I'll spare you that bit. Now the big question: "How does God talk to me?". The answer to that question could be any of several. Some people receive information through visions and dreams, an audible voice, an impression and so on.

Knowing that God speaks to people is a fundamental truth all who want to experience God must accept. They must desire to not only hear Him but LISTEN (you know there's a difference I believe👀). However it's more important to know HOW God speaks to YOU.

Don't get it twisted, God can speak to us in several ways at different times but I've come to learn from personal experience and from others' testimonies that He has one major way of telling us what He needs us to know. He probably decides that based on His perfect knowledge of you and what you respond best to (I can only speculate😆) but if you'll pay more attention you'll notice.

I know as you read this you may have doubts about God's willingness to speak to you and even your ability to hear from Him. I'd be dishonest if I told you I believed it right away when I was told that God not only spoke/speaks to people but that He wanted to speak to me too. The remedy here is simple but it's not easy (there's also a difference 😋). You have to BELIEVE (faith is the key with which we access the provisions of grace; "like a meal ticket it allows you collect what has been paid for", Nathaniel Adebanji ,2017) that God wants to talk not just TO you but WITH you (a lot of differences today sha🤔) and then ask Him to speak. Make sure to actually be quiet, still and open. Just listen and you will hear 😉.

I'm 2000% certain that doubts will creep in and you'll ask "am I the one talking to myself" and that's normal when you start out trying to hear Him. Ignore the thought. The more you spend time with God, the more confident you are that you can hear Him and recognise His voice. This will enable you distinguish between your voice and His voice (which can be difficult at times even for the more experienced).

In time and with deeper fellowship however it may  become difficult again to distinguish the voices but this time not for lack of familiarity but for the unison of messages. Your voice and God's voice will sing the same song with a perfect blend no choir can dream of achieving.

It's going to take time. The amount of time I expect varies with individuals but enjoy the process. It's not a "goal" to achieve and cross of the list. It's a step in the journey with God.

Rest assured that as long as you belong to God, you can and will hear His voice. What you have to do is cultivate the ability to recognise and more importantly the discipline to obey.

Jesus said The sheep that are My own hear My voice and listen to Me; I know them, and they follow Me.
JOHN 10:27 AMP

You're His sheep if you hear Him, listen and follow Him. Does that describe you really? Selah.

Our Father and Shepherd  we thank You for your Spirit that bears witness with ours that we are Your children. We know we haven't desired to hear you enough in all we do and even when we do we're somewhat impatient. Please forgive us and continue to speak to us, making us clearer images of Yours in all our dealings. Help us wherever we need help this week and always in Jesus' name(amen)

Have a blessed week. Thank you for reading. Please leave a comment, share and whatnot. Cheers😊🎉


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