The Person of the Holy Spirit😁

Heyy there friend! I hope you had an amazing weekend. Our God is faithful and I pray that you see His faithfulness even more this new week.

Now "The Person of the Holy Spirit". That topic was given to me in my quiet time a few days ago. Quiet is emphasized for a reason which you will find out in the course of your reading this. I truly believe the Holy Spirit would like to be introduced or maybe re-introduced to you today.

If I asked you "who is the Holy Spirit?", depending on who you are and how much you interact with Him or not, I would probably hear "third Person in the Holy Trinity", "the Spirit of God", "the Comforter", "the Advocate" and the likes. Those are all accurate but I have just one problem with that : they are all subtly impersonal and directly lifted from Scripture.

I was at a seminar of some sort on Saturday and the speaker said "your perspective of prayer is an offshoot of your relationship with God". In the same vein I believe your perspective of the Holy Spirit is an offshoot of your relationship with Him. A friend once told me of his friend who says the Holy Spirit is her gossip partner(obviously He doesn't actually gossip🤔) but you get the sort of intimacy that would make someone say that.

The Holy Spirit can and wants to be your everything. I honestly cannot explain to you how sweet fellowship with Him is.  Life is A LOT easier when you talk to the Holy Spirit constantly and about EVERYTHING. If you've not been doing it, try it and see👀👀.

I know you probably relate more with stories so let me share one or two of my journey with the Holy Spirit in everyday life. Remember the way I emphasized "quiet" earlier? Well it's because it literally was my quiet time (as in I was silent🤐). A few days ago the Holy Spirit enrolled me in a training course that I can call "be still and know that I am God" so what He instructed me to do was when He woke me up (usually between 1 and 5am) to just sit still and quiet in His Presence. I'd listen and say absolutely nothing until otherwise instructed. Believe me it seems easy enough but if you're not used to it, it's difficult. It truly is a surreal feeling when you sit still in His presence. No words can do justice to it. TRY IT!

So the training was to be for four days which terminated yesterday but when I woke up for the last day of training, I was a bit distracted. What happened? I hadn't ironed for church and I was to leave early as usual so I got up and instead of sitting still I went up and down looking for the shirt I had to wear so I could try on the full outfit and then iron it. Mehn I searched all over and I couldn't find it. I then asked the Holy Spirit for help and at a point I heard in my spirit that it was in the very wardrobe I had searched first so I went back to my room and then I also sensed it was all a distraction from my quiet time so instead of going into the wardrobe I sat still on my bed and observed the final day of training after which I went back to the wardrobe and guess what? I didn't see the shirt😿. Was the Holy Spirit wrong or did I mishear Him? None of the above. I grabbed my phone and turned on the flash. Lo and behold, there the black shirt was on the floor of the wardrobe where it had fallen.  HS to the rescue!

In the evening I was to go get a haircut and I've had some bad experiences with barbers at that shop😢 so I was a bit anxious. I cut my hair less frequently partly because it reduces the possibility of bad haircuts 😂. I simply whispered a little prayer to the Holy Spirit as I headed for the barber shop gates. I said something like "Holy Spirit I know you're interested in everything that concerns me so please let the best hands in there be the one to cut my hair today and You take control of his hands in Jesus' name". Long story short He assured me that He was in charge and the haircut was probably the best I've ever had.

So you see my friend, the Holy Spirit is an all-purpose friend. He's the expert on every matter be it fashion, marriage counselling, academics, career etc. If you don't grow your relationship with Him  NOW, you cheat yourself and underutilize the privilege of God in your life. Don't be that person, call Him up today💪😎.

Sweet Holy Spirit thank You for your tireless work. Thanks for always being available to help us and for your interest in the minutiae of our lives. We know You want us and we say we want more of You too. Come upon us afresh and work out Your will in our lives and in every area of them in Jesus' mighty name we pray (amen).

I look forward to hearing testimonies of your experiences with the Holy Spirit this week. Till next time continue to bask in the Spirit. God bless you. Shalom😇


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