Six Days of Nothing🙆♂️
Heyy there friend! I'm glad we're both still here. Thanks be to God who has kept us and is able to keep us still. I hope your weekend was restful and/or productive.
Speaking of productivity, I always believed that as long as you walk in God's will, you had to see results. "Yes naa" I can hear you say in my mind but the truth is that isn't always the case😢.
You must understand that I do not suggest in any way that there is a more productive alternative to walking and working in the will of God. Far from it!. All I'm saying is working in God's will and absolutely so need not mean that you see results at time T.
Relax I haven't switched sides even a bit 😂. I just want to provide you with some insight that could prove useful in the future or helpful in explaining your past or present and ultimately provide you rest of mind.
So hold this in mind "obedience to God doesn't guarantee seeing results...". As is my custom, I point you to the Bible to explain. You ought to be conversant with these two stories of people who obeyed God and did not "see" the results: the Israelites; and uncle Naaman. By the way this post's title was inspired by a message my Pastor preached last year with the same title. Now back to our stories😁.
The Israelites' story: God said to march round the walls of Jericho once a day for six days and then seven times on the seventh day and sounding of various instruments with shouting and all. The first day they marched around the huge walls, they were in obedience to God yes? Did they see anything? NO!. All the days they did everything even to the last moments I imagine no cracks were seen on the wall albeit they were marching in obedience. Put that on one hand.
Naaman's story: Alhaji Naaman(👀) was sent to wash in "dirty" river Jordan which he didn't intend to do but eventually was convinced to by his servant. Seven times he was to dip and just that he did. The Bible doesn't record any change in his condition up until the seventh time. I ask again, was Naaman being obedient from the very first dip up to the seventh? Yes o! Did he see results? Nope!
"But what is Nathaniel on about today?" you ask. Here it is. God has given you a vision and commandments or directives to bring that vision to life but you've been obeying, sowing seeds, fasting, praying and everything else He has asked of you but you see nothing and have become discouraged. You're so close to throwing the towel in😥. Hold it right there my friend! 😊These two stories ended similarly: with victory over the enemy.
You may not see anything right now even as you obey God's every instruction but I charge you dear friend to persevere, to continue and for two reasons really:
1. As kingdom children , our operations are to be faith-based not sight-based. By the way, faith is just believing what God says He will do🤔. Believing God always triggers and should sustain your obedience.
2. God cannot fail and cannot lie. Shall He say a thing and not bring it to pass? NO WAY!!
So hang in there. When the time is right, all the progress you think you're not making will be evident but only if you don't give up on God.
Allow me to finish with a line from the popular song "He's Able" : don't give up on God 'cause He won't give up on you, He's able.
Good good Father, that's who You are LORD. Perfect in all of your ways to us. We've come to thank You for You and to say we love You and we trust You. Please help us to obey you totally and wholeheartedly that we may gain what you have released to us in Jesus' name( amen).
God bless you for reading. Don't be selfish ehn. Share this to encourage someone 😉. Have a great week. Shalom 😇
O my! Thank you so much Nathan! Timely!
ReplyDeleteGood word Nathan ...Let patience have its perfect work so at the end we will be perfect and entire wanting nothing! James1:4. God always comes through....always!