From My Afro Comb: A Lesson on Purpose and Recovery
Heyy there! I'm really trying to stop this one week on, one week off thing 😢. Say a prayer for a brother please👀😂. Having said that, thanks for showing up today😎.
Today's post has a strange title and spin. The lesson is probably absurd to many. The lesson is "being reactivated in your purpose will propel recovery". Bear that in mind as we go on a journey.
Some time ago, about Christmas last year, I lost an afro comb. I searched all over the house for it because my brother gave it to me and I really needed it at the time.
Fast forward, three months later, I had already got a replacement which I was happily using. I had already explained away the disappearance of the said comb "oh maybe my cousin took it a way in error🤔" and so on.
One day I was to lay my bed(I had done this severally after the disappearance of my comb). Lo and behold, the comb was right there but it was now bent out of shape severely.
I tried in futility to bend it back into its original shape. Nope! It simply wasn't the same. It still looked like it had had an accident😢. I just kept it and was using it anyway. A few days later I looked at it and it looked like it was new 🙆♂️.
That was when it hit me that when you've been sidelined and bent out of shape , if you get back in your calling, tread the path of purpose, you will recover and it will be as though nothing ever happened. That's how the lesson for today came about. Thanks for reading😁.
Father in heaven thank You so much for Your love for us. We exalt Your name and worship You. We sometimes get bent out of shape by life and everything in it but we know that Your will and purpose for us will straighten us out so we say today that we submit to Your will and Your way in Jesus' name( amen)
Till next time(hopefully next week👀). Remain blessed 😁
His grace is indeed sufficient for us.