Every Step 👣
Hello my friend! Welcome again to another post on the Memoirs...blog. I hope you had a fantastic weekend and look forward to the new week for it will bring you good in Jesus' name.
I believe one way or another you have encountered the proverb "the journey of a thousand miles begins with a step". Let me stretch and tell you that the journey of eternity begins with a step. At any given time, you have the choice to travel in two directions at the very least. Matter-of-fact, there are only two directions when it comes to eternity.
You either walk towards God or away from God. There's no other direction and hear this: YOU ARE NEVER STAGNANT. Every Step you TAKE or DO NOT TAKE, moves you in God's direction or the opposite direction.
Do not be deceived, you will naturally walk away from God if you do not INTENTIONALLY go toward Him in fellowship. I always say that no matter how far you've gone in either direction, your power of choice remains and so turnaround is possible. Now whether that turnaround is for your good or bad is entirely up to you.
Are you deep down in the valley of despair over how far from God you have drifted? Does it surprise you how your love for God has fizzled out without a trace? Are you surprised at how your mind has gone from pure to rotten undetected? Are you dumbfounded by how your boundaries have been shifted over and over to accommodate more nonsense? Are you now comfortable with sin in the name of "progressive thinking" and "things have changed"? Know this we can change and change all we like but HE does not change and neither do His standards.
Turn back now, run to our Father for His arms will remain open until you take your final step which ends the journey. The interesting thing is we all don't know when our last breath/step will be. The safest way is God's way.
Dear God we love you and when we are right in our senses we want only to be with you and be yours in every sense. We ask that you help us to ALWAYS choose you and pleasing you over pleasing men and/or ourselves for that is the ONLY way to remain satisfied and live without further regret. Help us for we are helpless in Jesus' name (amen)
Thank you, Yao.