You Were Not Made For You πŸ‘€

Chaiiiiiiii How did I fail to post for a whole month? LORD forgive me and my wonderful reader I beg for your forgiveness. It's a new dawn!

Lady or gentleman, It's a new dawn in my life as I turn a year older today and it's only fitting that I bring you a message like this from the Lord.

One important way to understand the mind of God my dear friend is to study creation. A careful study of creation can unearth some divine and key spiritual principles. Today, we look at creation together and hopefully you come to a conclusion I and many others have.

Look at the sun, what is its usefulness? Lighting the world yeah? Without a world would the sun serve any use? No! It would be of no value. Look at the sea. Does it exist for its own sake? No. Among many things it exists for the aquatic life which themselves do not exist for themselves.

To summarise the matter, remember this always : NOTHING IN ALL OF CREATION finds its purpose in self-service. Nothing God made was made to serve itself. YOU ARE NO EXCEPTION.

I was not made for me, you were not made for you. We were all made for one another. If we truly want to be happy and even find joy that logic fails to account for then we must give ourselves to the service of others. Give to God's world and you will never doubt your worth.

On the flip side, the ocean would not find fulfilment if it tried to serve as a source of light and the sun could not possibly hold aquatic life. Giving to God's world is great but only He can show you for what you were made as He said the sun was to govern the day and the ocean to bring forth aquatic life. God knows best the capacity in which you should function for He made you.

Wonder why I always point you back to God somehow? That's part of my purpose too. Shalom.

Instead of being motivated by selfish ambition or vanity, each of you should, in humility, be moved to treat one another as more important than yourself.
Philippians 2:3 NET


  1. Wonderful as always. Thanks for this reminder

  2. Every thing is made for something, and its purpose is purposeful to another.

  3. Thank you. Happy birthday πŸŽ‚


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