Proper Worship?๐ค
Hello there! It's been a while. I trust you are well and hope you are eager to hear from God today😁.
"PROPER WORSHIP". What does that mean? Singing on key? Playing instruments amazingly? Getting the timing of song?. What does "Proper Worship" really mean?🤔
Well it means more than we know. We will forever be students in the school of proper worship. We must improve daily in the quality of worship we give to God👀.
My aim today beyond telling you what I just did is to open your eyes to an open secret about proper worship. This open secret like many other beautiful truths in the word of God comes from a letter written by the Apostle Paul.
In Romans 12 vs 1, it says
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship."
Presenting your body as a living sacrifice HOLY and PLEASING to GOD is your true and PROPER WORSHIP. This is a fundamental aspect of worship that is often overlooked.
On a daily basis, what are you presenting to God? As long as you have breath, you are before Him and so you are at every point in time presenting something before Him. What are you presenting? Is it holy? Is it pleasing to HIM?
If you realised this truth, you would be very conscious and careful what you let into your system because that input drives your output and that output is your sacrifice.
I want you to soak in what we just learned and let it reflect in your life starting NOW. God bless you.
Father of light with whom there is no shadow of turning, we bow before You in humble adoration and worship You for You are good. We ask that You help us to be proper offerings to You. We cannot do it on our own and we do not even want to try so help us in Jesus' name .
Lovely write up. We'll always be students in the school if proper worship ๐