Freedom of Choice Vs Freedom From Choice👀

Hello once again and welcome to another week. I'm glad you could make it here despite all odds. God is still in control. I just feel the need right now to remind somebody(maybe You) that our GOD is worthy of His name.

Without further delay, I would like to discuss a matter that may or may not be sensitive to you. Essentially it's about the fallacy of the freedom that we have in Christ.

Many people believe that the freedom Christ offers is freedom from choice but au contraire it is freedom OF choice not FROM it.

What is this guy on about today? I'm talking about the fact that surrendering your life to Christ does not somehow remove or wipe away the burden and responsibility of Choice. It would be nice if as we said the sinner's prayer, sin and temptation died to us and we did not have any choice to make but THAT IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN(not on this side of eternity for sure).

Jesus came to restore the power of choice. While a slave to sin, you had no choice. You had to yield to every urge, every impulse. When you surrendered to Christ, your power was restored through faith in Him. Everyday you will face temptation, you will have a choice to make: Honour God or honour self/flesh/the world/ the devil?🤔

You will never be free of Choice so take ownership of that power and submit it to God(esteeming Him highly in all you do)💪.
Sin was our master, Jesus changed that. You could decide to be friends with sin but I must warn you that in no time all friends of sin become slaves to it once more. Choose to be driven by love for and fear of God.

Dear Lord, we thank you for the freewill that you have given us as a means of showing our love for you, a means of worship. We want to honour you in ALL our choices. Please help us going forward in Jesus' name (amen)

Have a blessed week my friend. God bless you🤗


  1. By the mercies of God; we have come to the light... to know Christ Jesus as Lord and master. I have seen the light and can tell it's different from not having the light. I have made a firm choice to stay in Christ.

  2. We all have to be intentional about our walk with God. God never compels us to do anything. He's given us the gift of choosing what we really want. Choose wisely.

  3. Continue to inspire the World I believe you will surely go higher am sharing asap


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