Jacob's Well 🥵

Jacob's well will never do!

Good (insert time of day here😁). I trust you have had an amazing weekend. I truly appreciate your readership and trust that God is about to cause a shift in your life.

Jacob's well will never do? What do I mean by that? Well asides being lyrics to a powerful and I mean powerful! worship song on William McDowell's new album "The Cry", I mean the good things of this life will NEVER satisfy.

If we all look carefully and closely at our lives, we are likely to catch ourselves seeking validation, worth, joy and fulfilment from something or someone.

Deep down some of us find validation of self-worth in our career successes, relationships, academic achievements, accolades received for being talented and so on. I have just one question: How long can you run on that? How long can you go before you need another shot of "You are amazing" or "Congratulations " or "I love you" to keep going.

Ask yourself, "what is that thing, who is that person that I cannot do without?". If it's not Jesus then you're setting yourself up for serious heartache because everything else fails at one time or the other. Your spouse is not always going to say "I love you" when you need to hear it; your boss is not necessarily going to say "I appreciate your efforts, well done" when you need it the most. Only Jesus is there all day everyday. Only when He is your source can you be sure of unlimited supply of whatever you need every time.

The great news is He doesn't have the quantity you need of just ONE thing. He has ALL you need and more so you are safe with Him.

Again I say to you Jacob's well will never do so draw from Him. He will never run dry. You will never thirst again. Actually, in a sense you will thirst but you will experience a different kind: not one of dissatisfaction but one words cannot really capture. If you know you know😉.

If you are like me and sometimes Jesus is not first place, not to worry. He loves you and wants to help you love Him because that brings out the best you. Just have a conversation with our Friend. God bless you!

And besides, do you think you’re greater than our ancestor Jacob, who gave us this well? How can you offer better water than he and his sons and his animals enjoyed?” Jesus replied, “Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again.  But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”
John 4:12‭-‬14 NLT

Dear Lord, help us. Set us right in our hearts, minds and lives in Jesus' name.

Have a great week!🤗🤗


  1. Very apt word Nathan, Jacob's well is where we really need to draw all our satisfaction, joy and commendations from, He is always our present help and their is no condemnation in Him. He is always there for us. Always.


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