Good morning/afternoon/evening to you my dear reader. It's always a pleasure to bring you some WORD from the LORD. I hope you're doing well and thriving this season. Heaven's economy is very buoyant as it is. Tap into it!
Speaking of tapping, do you know you are a branch? An extension of something (someone, I should say) much bigger and richer than you?. You are an extension!!!
What does being an extension mean? Two things!
First, you are expected to carry the same essence as something else which is your source. Just you think of anything called an extension or branch of something. When it comes down to the root of it, the branch should have the same characteristics as the source. If you went to a bank for example, you would be no fool to expect the same levels of excellence or lack thereof in a branch as in the head office. This isn't always the case however and much like the banks are some believers' lives.
Jesus Christ Himself said in John 15 that He is the Vine and we are the branches. What does that mean? Many things! but let's focus on two - One, whatever Jesus possesses within Himself, you ought to possess in you. Two, whatever is not found in Jesus ought not to be found in you. Selah
To illustrate the second thing that being an extension means, I would like to use our widely known "extension cables/boxes (as they are called in Nigeria at least)". The extension box is used to provide more outlets of the power from the source. Much like that, we as believers are outlets of power from our Source. However, just like an extension box disconnected from the source, we are not much use when we are disconnected from the Source. In fact, we are useless without our Source as far as our purpose is concerned.
Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.
John 15:4-5 NLT
WITHOUT JESUS, YOU ARE NOTHING AND NOTHING CAN DO NOTHING. If you are not plugged in, plug in to the Vine through prayer and the study of the Word. It's important if you don't want to waste your time on earth. I beg you, plug in. Together, we can show forth His glory in all the earth.
Dear Lord, thank You for counting us worthy by Your grace to be part of Your body - the vehicle through which heaven comes to earth. We ask you to prune us and to keep us connected to You that we may tap the nutrients we need to bear the fruit we should in Jesus' name. Amen!
Have a fruitful week!
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